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Think Logically While Organizing Your Dishes

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Let your child organize your dishes while thinking logically

For your next adventure, think logically on organizing your dishes. It’s the Organize your Dishes Game!

How to Play

When your dishes are ready to organize, let your child sort them and then find the right places to put. Additionally, allow them to elaborate why they put specific utensils in a specific drawer.

Step 1:Warming up

When you are putting away dishes, have your child find places in the drawers.

Your child is a superman to save your time! Don't worry, be happy!

Step 2: Unloading

First of all, be patient! It will take time! Let him/her unload the clean dishes and let him/her decide where the clean dishes go.

Step 3: Observing

If your child guesses something different than where you put it, don’t be stressed out!

Don’t forget, he/she is volunteer!

This activity is child-centered, and parents-monitored.Therefore, just help if he/she is needed. Otherwise, observe your child while organizing dishes.

Step 4: Discovering

When you have a back and forth conversation about how your child replaces utensils, you are helping your child gain basic ideas about design thinking.

Your child will be able to be aware that how we think and how we decide to put forks, spoons, forks, plates, and trays.

Besides, you are with your child at the kitchen, let him/her discover what is the best drawers to put forks, spoons, forks, plates, and trays. Allow him/her to share his/her ideas and problem solving process with you.